Zariu and Nor, husband-wife team, have been with the OA Organik farm at Kg Ulu Gumum right from the beginning – December 2015. They are the new generation of Orang Asli with determination and vision to take on the challenges of globalisation and the market economy.

In February 2020, Zariu and Nor invested a huge part of their savings into opening up their own 0.25-acre land, a realisation of their two-year dream. They were prepared to take such a risk as having experienced the ups and downs of farming, they are confident they can succeed. They also envision their farm to be a model farm for others to follow.

Zariu has emerged as a confident leader with a vision and a heart for his own people. He heads the Farm Committee at Kg Ulu Gumum which involves farm organisation and problem-solving. He is also training to be a farm supervisor, visiting the farmers in his village and Kg Melai to help them improve productivity.
Zariu’s vision is to see more Orang Asli be successful farmers, and stay united in uplifting their livelihood, dignity and community.

After almost five years of working with the Orang Asli at Kg Ulu Gumum, the Orang Asli there are ready to manage the farm fully, with Zariu and Nor leading the way! Nor recently said, “Kami perlu bangkit dan ambil peranan untuk memimpin dan menjadi teladan kepada yang lain.” (We need to rise up and play our role to lead and to be an example to the rest).